A few years ago I went to see a performance of Ghanaian drumming and dance at the Faculty of Music here in Cambridge. I left inspired by the Ewe rhythms and dances performed that night, feeling like I'd travelled without leaving the concert hall.
So it was real buzz to perform and share what I have learnt from Moussa of the music of Burkina Faso at The Centre of African Studies this week.
Folignouma performed in the Arc Café for students and academic staff whose present lecture series focuses on West Africa.
I spoke about my experiences studying music in Burkina Faso, of Moussa and our project, and the origins of the kamele n'goni which I will be exploring in a future post.
Thanks to the Centre of African Studies and the Arc Café, and to Chris, Makhou, and Ken for the sound.
Photos by Shameela Beeloo